Well its the time of the year again where CCP try to give a shit and listen to our opinions and thoughts through the form of crowdsourcing. Basically for those who dont know or want a reminder of what it is, how to use it and what it is for, i will briefly "englighten" you.
Initial Crowdsourcing allows us as the eve community to initially "vote" on what the CSM (Council if Stellar Management) will bring to CCP's attention for the next update or a few after. The CSM have created a list of 172 problems/updates/ideas/general improvments (or fuck ups depending on our playstyle). The voting system works by each person being given 20 points, and you can distribute these points on any amount of items you wish BUT... the 20 points get spread out amongst the items you chose, so each item can not get more than 3 points. I reccomend you choosing at maximum 7 of items to vote on so that you can use all your points and not loose the "strength" of the previous votes.
As a high sec mercenary alliance, the CSM have covered several MAJOR problems which we are strongly acting on and voting for. The two HIGH PRIORITY items for me are number:
#162 - Looting from wreck you didn't create = looter flagged to (wreck) killer in Empire (CSM) - This would benefit us as high sec agressors MASSIVELY as we will now be able to either A) Loot the wrecks we kill, thus boosting our isk imput dramatically, and B) We will have the option to destroy anyone who does take our loots, which will give us our loot back +more and extra killmails :).
#34 -Docking games fix (CSM) - This would improve the efficiency of those who like to play "station games" based on the ship speed, and station undock radius. Basically an improvement would be that the bigger the ship, the longer the undock agression timer, this would meen that smaller ships will loose there agression sooner and closer to us (the campers).
They are the 2 most important to us as they will benefit our isk and killmail inputs.
The following items are relevant to us but not as high priority as above.
#4 -Aggression timer on gate activation (CSM)
#91 -Remote repping and aggression (CSM) - This was actually originally raised and created by our own CEO/Leader ThePitboss.
#108 -Show Implants on POD killmails (CSM) - I feel that not only would seeing the implants which we destroyed in their gooey biomass would be awesome and interesting to view, but it would also improve our "points" on the killboards.
lastly #143 -
War-dec mechanics (CSM) - This item would benefit not only us but the war targets aswell as it would give them the chance to have an input to how long the war lasts. But importantly it would give the war dec a goal or achievement to strive for to "Win The War".
You can find the whole complete list of items up for discussion Here
To cast your vote you will need to post a forum post in this thread in the following format:
name,Pick#1,Pick#2,Pick#3... so mine would look like this "
natalie cruella,162,34,4,91,143 "
Please spend a minute and think of us poor 0rphans and how lonely and isk hungary we are, you can help by donating any isk to our charity "natalie cruella" or alternatly choose my MAJOR items (162,34) as at least 2 of your choices.
-Come visit us in my channel in eve "cruellas crib"
Agreed, This is all decent choices, specially the 1st one!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with all of This, Especially when someone steals our lootz!
ReplyDeleteVery Good Blog Natalie! :)
ReplyDeletegood point! :)