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Useful Tools

    Ship Fitting API Feature

    EFT: Webpage Or Straight Download.
    ---EFT is a program specifically aimed at purely helping with ship fitting, the program uses the EVE Api key to allow you make replica ship fittings with your skill added ontop, the program is easy to use, simple and very effective, with a complete faction, t1, t2 etc.. collection of items to use.

    Skill Training Skill Planning API Feature
    Eve Mon: Webpage Or Straight Download.
    ---EVE Mon is a program which offers the features of player skill tracking, ship fittings, skill planning, implant and remap calculators, plus many more easy to use features using the EVE Api Key function.

    Ship FittingSkill Training Skill Planning Maps API Feature

    EVE HQ: Webpage Or Straight Download.
    ---EVE HQ is very similar to EVE Mon how ever it offers the user a wider range of options and features using the same EVE Api Full API Key features, including a ship fitting system exactly the same as that in eve, but with more facts, figures and graphs!. RECOMMENDED