Pew Pew Palooza has been going for about 6 days and the alliance has amassed over 1400 kills with a very respectable 56 losses, VERY close to 57, but ill tell you more about my "close shave" a day ago.
You can see our campaigns (pew pew palooza) records Here just look at the middle for campaings.. also weekly kills can be seen Here.
I have personally been involved in the destruction of 81 vessels, most notable kills i would say was a perfect alpha on a Tengu strategic cruiser, active fit Here, a rather nice gist and pithum .. and WARP CORE STABILIZED Tengu strategic cruiser Here
Also very VERY disgustingly fit Proteus Strategic Cruiser kill Here where he was fit with .. wait for it ..3 tech 1 SHIELD extenders, 4 warp core stabilizers tech 1 and 2, tech 1 guns .... im gonna stop my self and not get involved with rigs etc .. it makes me sick .. bare in mind i also tried to send him a message to get a tear extracting mail back .. but he was proboly too busy crying and asking mummy for another plex to buy another brick of shit.
Last notable kill was a lovely, defenceless, salvage fit drake we caught on a roam. Here.
Ok well that is the named and shamed of my weekly kills, but i could go on and on and on about fantastic faction fit kills by IZZY EPIC (Search him for fantastic lols and kills, mainly a vindicator one to look out for) and 2 billion isk hauler solo kills by an ally .. which we just missed on a gate a few jumps out. Kudos to you and your large wallet.
A Close Shave, as named in the title refers to yesterday where the eve gods were shining down on me and my hurricane as it entered 10% hull and allowed me to dock .. i thank you. Ok well from the beggining, the alliance was out on an op destroying several war target pos' in high sec, which looted us 1-2 billion for war decs, and i didnt have comms at the point (Girl Friend aggro you see :/ ). so me and an ally sat on the station, me in my hurricane.. him in his machariel (/me drools). A lonesome drake undocks so naturally we engage,.. he engages back ... wait what the 0rphanage manual didnt have anything about what to do in the case of a bold target, just how to alpha and gank ;) (Im Kidding Ad0pt .. we are beast!!!). Anyway we smelt a good fight .. then another drake undocks and points me and the mach .. ok this is fucked up. The mach burns away whilst i jam out the warp disrupting target for the mach (BTW, Hornet EC-300 are definatly the way to go!) so he manages to warp .. im left here on my own with these drakes. I disengage and see my armor tanked cane .."Slowly" loose shield until the shit hit the fan. A fleet of about ..26 Intergalakcic Exports Group land on me and start pummelling me, there fleet composition which i gathered whilst spamming the dock button like a bitch, was of battleships, largely battlecruisers, and smaller vessels. I do not know how i didnt get alpha'd or raped but i slowly saw my hurricane fall apart as the duct tape fell off with the explosion of the rounds hitting my
Fly Safe, and ill update you on the final few days of pew pew palooza aswell as an interesting post in progress soon.!
-Come visit us in my channel in eve "cruellas crib"
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