Along with the new patch is an evil thing called the EVE Launcher. The eve launcher is an application that now allows us to update the eve client with ease .. APPARENTLY, but from all that i have seen with this client it has been nothing but failure. Ok i wont be biased and say it is useless as those who like it are allowed to obviously, but i myself hate it. I tried it on the test server about a month ago and to my suprise it failed miserably. However i managed to get the server working by using an external sisilauncher program to work it out, i will post a blog later about how to use it as i feel it is much better.
Ok well i would normally post about what the new patch will bring to eve and how it will effect us however i feel that due to the EVE Launcher for TQ not working at all for many many users, including me, i will write this blog post about how to patch eve and well make it working without using the launcher.
Currently you will need to use the launcher to patch it but if that does work you will be required to download eve again from their site. That sounds aweful but fair enough if you cant be effective anough to make a working patch then i suppose i will download again. 2 mins later and the install client downloaded i run it and WOW error fucking installing. Now im extremely frustrated not only are you making me re-download eve as you couldnt bring out a working launcher but now your download client isnt working. To be clear i cannot patch eve nor can i download eve. PETITION FIRED. 3 hours later and no reply still. I could have downloaded and installed in that time.
With some figuring out and googling i managed to find a way to download eve without having to use the download client or launcher.
So with all my anger and rage out of the way i will share with you how i did it.
- Step one- uninstall eve using control panel
- Step two- download the eve executable agent from this link HERE.
- Step three- download the payloads 1 and 2, i suggest one at a time otherwise it will increase the time it takes to download them both.
- Step four- either have all the downloads in your download folder or make a new one.
- Step five- execute the eve insaller and proceed to install as normal.
All of this bi-passes the use of the launcher for the main patch but does involve re-downloading the client.
Anyway hope this helps several people that have had the same problem that i have.
Oh and by the way im back in WARP CORE STABILIZERS. More on that to come.
-Come visit us in my channel in eve "cruellas crib"
Hey there,
ReplyDeleteThose people i know didn't had a problem with the launcher, it worked just fine. But I must admit that it is irritating that it pops up after the splash screen of real client vanishes. Started the cliente 3 times by accident.
Now to your problem, did you tried the repair tool? It should have brought your client up to date without the need of downloading everything again. I would always try that tool before starting anything else. Most of the time it solves the problem at hand.
Hey chanina, yea i did i tried the repair tool on the launcher and in the EVE Folder, however they both failed at trying to get the launcher and the client working.
ReplyDeleteAbout an hour after i got my client working, i saw this on the eve website.
They addmitted they messed up and somehow came up with an interesting fix.