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Cruellas Crib

Monday, 12 December 2011

Life as a Stabilizer - CCP IS SANTA!!

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Well merry christmas everyone .. or as the british government want it "happy holidays" -_-.

Anyway, i am getting back into eve alot lately by doing alot of level 4 missions in my shiney new tengu which was originally bought for ninjaing .. thanks CCP for breaking orca mechanics.
Today i log on eve and my good friend shows me to this website which is legit and hosted by CCP, and i thought, OK whats the catch .. but there wasnt its all good. What is? i hear you ask, well believe it or not CCP are being helpful and jolly by giving every account a free christmas gift .. AWW now i bet you are thinking to your self .. Great a gift :/ i bet it is some crappy ship with a code breaker or some bottles of egg nogg flavoured quafe (Note to self .. develope egg nogg quafe). But no it isnt, it actually is a selection of possible packages (YES MORE THAN 1!).. you have a choice from 23 pakages, suited for each type of player and race, such packages are a set of +3 implants, all fuel BPO's, 5000 of each faction ammo and much more!. This is actually a good move and quite charitable, thank you CCP (Havnt said that in a while).

Ok ill stop the suspense and link you the webpage, simply sign in, choose your package, claim and enjoy !, i still cant decide on what to choose but i think i am tempted to go for a set of +3 at 50m a set on 3 accounts = 165m .. not bad for a gift .. but i can see a market price drop soon on some items beacuse of this ;).

The gift website can be found Here

Enjoy and MERRY CHRISTMAS (fuck tha police :) )

-Come visit us in my channel in eve "cruellas crib"

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