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Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Life as a Stabilizer - New Crucible Patch

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Hello again .. remember me?
Ok good glad you do well i am still around and slowly getting back into eve again .. which is good news right?. I Finally i have my tengu fully fitted for level 4's so i can amuse myself inbetween skyrim sessions.

Today was the release of the new eve expansion, Crucible.. and WOW have they made an absolute fuck ton of changes, a list so long i couldnt even attempt to comment on the patches in here, like i normally do.

But i seriously reccomend you read the notes, if you dont normally .. do this time!


A break down of what i believe to be the best feature of the new expansion.
  • obviously the release of the new tier 3 battlecruisers, Amarr - Oracle, Minmatar - Tornado, Gallente - Talos, Caldari - naga.
  • Return of the much loved warp tunnel and << AND the engine trails!!
  • For those who still use the station environment, it has now been made gloriously beautiful, go on activate it and have a look .. you know you want to!
  • You can now drag a ship from the ship box onto the station environemnt to activate it
  • The following modules are tech 2 varients of modules allready in eve, they have now been implemented
    -Warfare link II
    -Mining Foreman link II
    -Core probe launcher II
    -Drone link augmentor II
    -Omnidirectional tracking link II
    -Drone tracking computer II
    -Siege module II
    -Triage module II
    -Small remote hull repair system II
    -Medium remote hull repair system II
    -Large remote hull repair system II
    -Bomb launcher II
    -Micro auxiliary power core II
    -Small tractor beam II
    -Capital tractor beam II
    -Warp disruption field generator II
  • EVE killmails will now show implants destroyed when pods are killed
  • Loot all function has been created where you can select all items and take them from a wreck, bring on the race outside jita!
  • all ships can now re-connect to lost drones, and when you disconnect from the server the client will automatically issue a command to attempt to bring your drones back
  • You can now see if your ship is insured or not with ease by simply showing info on your ship, it will displayed at the top
  • ALOT of capital and supercapital changes have been made, you can see them Here
  • the following ammunitions and weapons have had a modification to stats

    - All hybrid charges have been reduced in volume by 50%
    - All hybrid turrets have had their capacity reduced by 50%
    - All XL hybrid turrets now receive a -5 CPU reduction.
    - All large hybrid turrets now receive a -3 CPU reduction.
    - All medium hybrid turrets now receive a -2 CPU reduction.
    - All small hybrid turrets now receive a -1 CPU reduction, with the exception of the 75mm Railgun.
    - Hybrid turrets now use 12% less powergrid, rounded to the nearest number, with the exception of the Light Electron Blaster I, Light Ion Blaster I, 125 mm Railgun I and 75mm Railgun I which remain unchanged.
    - All hybrid turrets have had their reload time reduced to five seconds.
    - The capacitor usage for all hybrid turrets has been reduced by 30%.
    - Small, medium and large blasters will now receive +20% to tracking.
    - Small, medium and large blasters will now receive +5% to damage multiplier.
    - Small, medium and large railguns will now receive +10% to damage multiplier.
    - Small, medium and large railguns will now receive +5% to tracking.
    - All sizes of Javelin ammunition have had their capacitor penalty removed.
    - Javelin, Gleam and Quake have had their tracking penalty turned into a bonus. The tracking speed multiplier has been increased from .75 to 1.25 x.
    - Hail has had its falloff penalty removed completely.
    - Falloff for XL autocannons has been increased by 50%.
    - Missiles and bombs maximum ranges now show up on the tactical overlay.
  • engine_trails
  • The fitting window will now show you your offensive stats, similar to that of EFT and EVE HQ.
  • get killed my concord? .. tough luck you wont get your insurance anymore
  • The aggression timer for combat has been changed. When logging off in space with PVP aggression, the ship will be removed from space 15 minutes after log-off, or 15 minutes after the most-recent aggressive act against the ship, whichever is the latest.
  • The following changes are changes that are made to the market, mainly user interactivity.
  • Drag icon from ‘Details’ view to chat,
    Drag icon from ‘Groups’ view to chat,
    Camera click on all icons you can preview in market,
    Drag fitting from fitting management window to quickbar scroll,
    Drag icon from ‘Details’ view to quickbar,
    Drag icon from ‘Groups’ view to quickbar,
    Drag item from quickbar to chat,
    Drag folder from quickbar to other quickbar folder,
    Drag item from quickbar folder to other quickbar folder,
    Drag item from quickbar folder to quickbar scroll.
  • If you are out of jump range on a stargate, and you issue the jump command, similar to that of the station.. you will automatically apporach and jump when possible
  • THIS IS FANTASTIC! .. the new autopilot tool will allow you to autopilot to a station YES a station !!.. it will then approch and dock whilst you watch titties on the interwebs or making a cup of tea (.. Real men drink tea!)
  • The session change timer has been changed from 30 seconds to 20 seconds and will now be displayed at the top left corner of the screen
  • not really major .. but smexy looking, cynosaural and jump effects for capitals have changed, for the better
  • User interface has a enormous amount of changes, you can see them on the full list under .. well .. User Interface
Well if you want to read throught he whole thing, and i strongly suggest you do, the link is Here
-Nat -Come visit us in my channel in eve "cruellas crib"

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